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Say Goodbye to Career Stress & Hell0 to Fulfillment in Your Career Again by Changing Industries (It's easier than you think!)

You'll Learn How To:

🔎 Identify your transferable skills

đź’ŽUnderstand the various roles in tech

🤝 Find your perfect tech match.

✨Bridge the gap with reputable resources  

đź’°Intentionally build your network

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Meet Your New

Career Strategy Coach.


Melissa Malpica

Born and raised in Bronx, New York I've always had the "hustle" mindset which has helped me navigate the many roadblocks that life had placed on my roadmap to success. College did not hold tremendous value in my family but grit and survival did. I am the first to attend and graduate college in my family and am a proud alumni of The City College of New York. I had my life all planned and was doing things the "Right way" - College = Money = Success = Happiness; Boy was I wrong. I was doing amazing after college. I graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Arts and a Publishing Certificate that was an initiative from best-selling author Walter Mosley. I begrudgingly went to a career fair to accompany a friend of mine. There I was introduced to one of his contacts that helped land my first job out of college at Time Warner Book Publishing (now Hachette Book Group). I got a whole Publishing certification just out of pure love of books and reading! After a few years at Hachette Book Group I went on to work at a Medical Publishing magazine where after one year of employment I received the memo that "Print was DEAD!"

I was devastated and had no idea what would happen next. I quickly had to pivot from publishing; which was the only professional experience I had acquired over the years. I decided that I would take this as an opportunity for reinvention #1 and pursue my childhood dream of becoming a character Animator! I moved to Orlando, Florida to study Visual Effects and Animation for one year.

It all started with DISNEY'S The Lion King. You know the part where Mufasa was hanging on the cliff right before he was pushed to his death? Exactly the part we ALL still cry over till this day. I was FASCINATED with how someone could create a (fake) character in a (fake) world and it have such a (real) effect on (Real) people. I found my calling... I wanted to have the ability to create something so digitally beautiful and powerful that it affected real world human behavior.​Everything was going perfectly! I was one of 8 people selected to help open an animation studio in which I would help in acquiring new work and then be on my way to supervising a small team.

Again, due to market shifts and opportunities I found myself having to make another tough choice. This is where I learned the real power of pivoting.​ Being laid off and then having my childhood dream job slowly vanish in front of me weren't the only obstacle to get in the way of what I deemed success. I have many similar stories in which I had to pivot to a variety of industries such as Hospitality and Retail, Freelancing, Advertising and Marketing, Project Management, Engineering and more! I have had to reinvent myself so many times so when I started applying strategies to job hunt I began to see results.

For each successful approach I noted what it was so that when the NEXT time came in where I had to pivot, I had a list of effective tools and techniques that I can continue to use - and that is what I've systemized to help you achieve career success. ​What this taught me is that there are no 'RIGHT' paths to success without the ability to hustle and pivot.

Without these abilities I would not be the success I am today and on the road to retirement by age 50 when more than 56% of Americans can't even afford to retire at age 65. I believe everyone has the same chance at achieving success once they commit to put in the hustle and pivot required when defining and executing a strategic approach to their career roadmap.​ Whether you are looking to excel in your current career path or still trying to figure out what you want to do for your career I am here to help you visualize and customize your journey to success, equip you with the tools and resources you need to not only grow your skill set but your mindset; now and in the future .

You just have to BYOH (Bring your own hustle).

Ready? Let's get it!